Friday, August 21, 2009

OK! It's been awhile. But, let's continue where we were.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth..."

"When in the course of human events..." this is a statement in and of itself that says, "We've had it up to here." It also says that there were a lot of things going on that people were fed up with. The government that they were being ruled by were imposing a laws and rules on people that they didn't agree with. Does this sound familiar? The founding fathers were standing up and making a statement. There have been some town hall meetings recently that people have stood up and made a stand of their own.

Let's stop a second and think about this. We need to learn from this example. They were not shouting and making a scene. They made a declaration that they did not like what the crown if Great Britain were imposing on them. The Constitutional Congress formed and decided that they were going to speak as one voice. They got together and discussed what they were thinking. They got their thoughts together. and they put their collective thoughts together and proclaimed them publicly.

"It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands..." This is the first mention of the purpose of this document. They were making a break from England. Did you notice the word "necessary?" There wasn't any wavering or questioning about what they were doing. They also didn't leave any room for anyone to read between the lines.

The authors also called themselves "one people." This is another statement telling the reader that they all agreed on this. They were of one mind. Did this mean that they agreed on everything? No, of course not. But, once again, they has discussed, debated and considered what they wanted to write down in an open letter to the crown.

"Dissolve the political bands..." Our founding fathers were refering to the political bands with England.

I would suggest that we need to bring this thought to todays world. There are two major political parties in our country today. Do you agree with either one of them? Do you think that both of them are VERY flawed? What should we do? I think that there is a major shift away from the polital bands in todays world.

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