Monday, July 27, 2009

Arrogance is when one thinks that they are more important than they really are. As a public official, i.e. elected official, you should check your ego at the door. You were elected by people who live in the same area that you do. That means that they are your neighbors. Neighbors are equals. My neighbors are a computer repair man on the north and a retiree on the south. We are equal. Wait a second that sounds familiar...where did I hear that?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." - Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1776

233 years ago that was written to tell the king that we were tired of the taxes that were being implemented on us, the religious freedom that we were being deprived of, and the freedom to speak our mind in public. Right that were granted to us by who? The president of the United States...NO! The Vice President of the United States...NO! A Congressman of the United States...NO! Was it the mayor of your town...NO!

"Our Creator" endowed us with these rights. That is the soverign God of the Universe.

Let look at the first words there. "We hold these truths to be self-eveident." Truth is conformity with fact or reality. What is it about this reality that is being stated? That it is self-evident. The definition of self-evident is evident in itself without proof or demonstration. That means that it is a "no-brainer." Right?

Ask your elected leaders what they think about these self-evident truths.

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