Friday, July 31, 2009

George Clymer was born March 16 1739 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was orphaned at a very young age and raised by his uncle. He was an apprentice to his uncle in the "counting room" in preparation for the mercantile profession. He led disturbances in Philadelphia after the Tea Tax and the Stamp Act in 1773. After that he held several positions in the burgeoning government. He was a member of the Philadelphia Committee of Safety, 1773; elected to the Continental Congress, 1776-1780; member of Pennsylvania Legislature, Revenue Officer, Federal Indian Agent, 1781-1796; First president of: Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, vice-president of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society. This was all on a private (merchant) education.

His story should tell us that it doesn't matter what your education is, what your profession is, nor what your "social status" is. George Clymer was studying to be a glorified store clerk.

This should remind us not to stand behind false walls of "I'm just a _____." You fill in the blank. I'm sure that just like me you've filled it in before. "I'm just a truck driver." "I'm just a teacher." "I don't have the money that those big time politicians have." "I'm not smart enough to stand up and speak in public."

Have you ever stood up in public and said what was on your heart? Not many of us can say that we have done that. Guess what. Those politicians didn't work for all that money. A lot of them have it given to them. Whether by donations or just handed down through the family. The regular guy, ordinary gal should be able to run for public office and at least have a fighting chance at winning. That is how our voice is going to be heard. Let's speak up.

This is just my opinion...we should purge Washington DC of all elected officials. We vote for someone who doesn't know Washington DC. It will take either one voting cycle or up to four years for us to get some action up there that we want to see done.

I think that after one election they will see that we mean to start our own "reformation" of government. Half of them will see their buddies packing their suitcases because they didn't listen to the people. That same half will realise that their time is coming to an end.

I heard something today that I want everyone to think about. If a foreign government came on to our land and started do to it what is going on right now...would we stand for it? Or, would we take up arm and take our country back?

I'm not advocating a coup or an armed rebellion. It's not the time for that. I want us to stand up for our rights as American citizens and take back our country.

Don't you think that is what George Clymer would do?

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